I do not know about you, but I love getting invited to events. Whether you recieve an invitation via postal mail or electronic mail, you must know the proper way to respond. RSVP is a French acronym for "Respondez S'il Vous Plait" which translates in English to mean please respond. There are so many different ways that you can reply to an invitation. This blog will aid you in replying to the host of the event the proper way.
1. Read the invitation. There should be instructions on how to reply to the invitation such as by telephone, email or postal mail. Less formal events typically note the RSVPs at the bottom of the invitation. Real formal events send a self-addressed, stamped RSVP card for you to answer and return via U.S. Mail
2. Pay close attention to the deadline. It is important that you adhere to this because party preparations are made based on the number of RSVP responses received. Do not wait until the day of the event and show up. That is poor etiquette and just plain rude.
3. If the invitation says "Regrets Only", you only need to RSVP if you can not attend the event. It is imperative that you contact the host if you will not be attending, as they will include you in the headcount otherwise.
4. Most importantly, do not respond "yes" to the RSVP and fail to show up. Only a matter of extreme emergency should hinder your attendance. It is simply bad etiquette.
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