Thursday, August 28, 2008

Quite Busy...

Please forgive me if I do not blog as often as I probably should. Currently I am planning 2 events , while attending school full-time. I graduate in December, so needless to say it is very hectic for me right now. No personal life (which I guess is good considering other things that are going on in my life, lol). I will try to keep you guys updated on the happenings of the event planning world in between planning, meetings, my kids' activities, traveling, and school. Just please be patient. After December 13th (Graduation Day), I will be back on track.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here Comes the Bridezilla...

This time of year can be pure torture for some event/wedding planners- Wedding Season! Although weddings can be the most cherished events that a planner can create, it can also cause the most headaches if you are dealing with a Bridezilla.

What is a Bridezilla, you say? A Bridezilla is a bride who is very difficult and obnoxious to deal with. She makes the joys of planning unbearable and often leaves the planner questioning if he/she wants to plan any weddings in the future.

Unfortunately, I have had my share of Bridezillas to come my way. They are very coy at first. They appear to be so full of bliss and oh so eager to have to create the wedding of their dreams. But this will soon change. As soon as the planning starts, the Jekyll & Hyde syndrome begins, lol.

Now don't get me wrong, I do understand that planning a wedding can be one the of the most stressful times for a prospective bride but that does not excuse her from being rude and demeaning. Etiquette should always apply. I had one bride that felt the need to instruct all of the vendors on what their jobs consisted of, including the minister. It is proper to advise the vendors of your expectations, but a person oversteps their boundaries when they tell the professionals how to do their jobs and further provide them detailed instructions as to what they are supposed to do, say, and/or move. In regards to the minister, I believe that Divinity school taught him what verbiage to use when performing a wedding, lol.

I can provide many more detailed examples of Bridezillas, but I will save them for future posts as it is very comical. Let's just end this post with a friendly note to all you future brides...please be kind to those that are involved and/or helping you with your wedding as you may find yourself in the position that one of my brides did- all alone with no one there to plan, attend, or worst marry!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Best Friend's Event...

Believe it or not, the #1 role of an event planner is that of "best friend." We really have to form bonds with our clients so that we can truly get to know their wants and needs, but also to assure them that we have their best interest at heart.

I will not lie, at the beginning of my event planning career it took me a while to get past the formal "client/professional" relationship. I felt that it was improper to form any bonds with the client past the handshaking, contract, and delivery of services. Now don't get me wrong, I was very personable with my clients, but I held back a lot of myself in fear that my client would not approve. What I found out through trial and error is that the client appreciates that personal bond- actually need it!
A best friend is a person that you trust, can count on, knows has your best interest at heart. These are all qualities that an event planner must have. The client should have confidence that you are going to be honest with them regarding their ideas, budgets, choices i.e. They also want to know that you are accessible and reliable. I tell my clients to never worry about asking too many questions or emailing/calling too much regarding their event. I want them to know that I truly do care about how their event will turns out.
It's really funny, because I rarely refer to my clients as "clients" but rather as my "friends." It is something that just developed over time. Once I learned how to let down my guard, I began to develop natural rapports and friendships with all of my clients that extended past the event date. This is a very good thing, because I have really been enriched by some of these people as well as had many new doors opened for me professionally.
So for anyone who is looking to become an event planner, just keep in mind that the initial role is that of a "friend", not "planner" - it may be the difference between the success or failure of your business.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A "View-tiful" Mind

Even as I lie in the bed sick, my thoughts refuse to rest!!! Ever since I can remember, I have always had very vivid and colorful dreams. Sometimes I could make sense out of them and at other times I would be left confused and dazed. I hate to admit it, but this is how my mind operates most of the time!

My mind is one that is rarely at rest. Most of the time, I am thinking of at least 3 things at once. Even when I am holding a conversation with someone, I am usually thinking about what needs to be done later or conceptualizing my next event. Believe it or not, I focus better this way ( a true multi-tasker at heart)!

I usually come up with ideas for events that have not even materialized as of yet. What do I do with them? Well, I draw them out further in my conscious mind and them sketch them out for future use. My mother will be glad to know that I haven't completely abandoned my artistic abilities, lol. Some of the visions are actually used for events that I plan, while others are still waiting for the right venue.

Well, I am going to try to get some more rest (physical and mental). Future posts will contain photos of some of my creations- mental and real (lol). As for now, back to the view...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Why spend $$$ on an event planner???

When I tell people my line of work, I often get one of two responses- "Oh ok, I may need you for an event" or "Wouldn't I spend more money if I hired a planner?" Well of course I wish that all of the responses could be the latter- but reality is it's not. Well I am going to address this main concern for all the doubters and naysayers.

Here are my Top 3 Reasons For Hiring An Event Planner:

1. It Saves You $$$
Many people do not realize that an event planner can actually save you money. We are trained to look for the best bargain. It not only saves you money, but helps us to stay competitive. Now, I personally do not believe that a person should sacrifice style for price. Cheap is sometimes still cheap no matter how you look at it (lol). But due to the networking aspect of my profession, I am more apt to negotiate and find the best deals for my clients.

2. It Saves You Time
Let's face it, there are only 24 hours in a day! Most people do not have enough time to handle their work and home lives with ease; nontheless, plan an event for themselves. Planning an event can be a very time-consuming task. Finding venues, caterers, and decorations while staying within a specified budget takes not only time but mere patience. An event planner has both time and patience, as we thrive on the art of coordination! I do not know too many people that have time to visit multiple locations, telephone various vendors, and shop for the best bargains in addition to their everyday life. An event planner has this time, as we are working for the client. Our goal is to make the client feel like a guest at their own event (and we all know that guests do not do any of the work, they just show up!).

3. It Adds Creativity To Your Event!
This is not to say that the client is not creative, as I have had many clients who have shared ideas with me that have just blown me away! But because this is such a competitive market, our job is to always stay abreast of new trends within the industry and offer ideas that are new and different from what has already been done. When I plan an event for a client, I do not want their guests leaving out saying "They had the same (element) as so and so did at their party." I want the client and the guests to be awed by the originality and creativity of this event- making it memorable!

There are so many more reasons that I can give for why a person should consider hiring an event planner, but I will save them for future blogs. As time will have it, I have to get back to working on some of my current projects.

Peace and love...

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Welcome to my new blog!

I am very excited about sharing my ideas and experience within the event planning business with you all. This site will offer you a taste of what I experience on a daily basis within this industry- and believe me it's more than you could possibly imagine!
I will share some tricks of the trade, answer questions regarding the industry, as well as share some of my projects.
So please feel free to visit often and leave comments. I look forward to sharing my mind with you all!